Welcome to Gutwise on Bedford

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5pm
  Contact : (03) 9871 4788


Associate Professor Daniel van Langenberg

Daniel is the Managing Director of GutWise and the brainchild of the new HealthWise on Bedford facility in Ringwood.  He completed medical school (Monash 2001), then physician and gastroenterology training in Adelaide and Melbourne.

Dr Tissa Tandiari

Tissa completed her MBBS medical degree at Monash University in 2005 and gained FRACP specialist status in Gastroenterology in 2012 having trained in both Melbourne and Sydney.

Dr Anuj Bohra

Anuj completed high school in Shepparton and subsequently moved to regional NSW to complete medical school through the University of New England.

Dr Dean Seah

Dean was awarded a full national scholarship (now known as Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship) to study at The University of Melbourne and obtained his Doctor of Medicine with Distinction, graduating with first-class honours.