Welcome to Gutwise on Bedford

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5pm
  Contact : (03) 9871 4788


Associate Professor Daniel van Langenberg

Daniel is the managing director of GutWise and the brainchild of the new HealthWise on Bedford facility in Ringwood. He completed medical school (Monash 2001), then physician and gastroenterology training in Adelaide and Melbourne. In 2012 he completed his PhD (Monash), mentored by Professor Peter Gibson. From 2012-2022 he was Head of Inflammatory Bowel Disease service at Eastern Health, but is now focused on full-time private practice. He continues to hold an honorary senior Gastroenterologist position at Eastern Health and is an adjunct Associate Professor with Monash University with significant ongoing research interests. He is a member of the Australia & New Zealand IBD Consortium of like-minded experts and key opinion leaders in this field.

Daniel is one of Australia’s leading clinician-researchers in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and is renowned for providing experienced, innovative and personalised care, with a passion for achieving the best outcomes for his patients. Daniel’s other broader interests as a gastroenterologist include functional (eg IBS) and other general gastrointestinal disorders. He is a highly experienced, competent endoscopist and accredited in gastroscopy, colonoscopy and capsule endoscopy with a commitment to high quality care, including the National Recertification of Colonoscopy program and a long-term advocate of the National Bowel Cancer screening program.

Daniel’s research has been recognized by the prestigious Young Investigator Award at the annual Australian Gastroenterology Conference (AGW 2011) plus multiple other awards locally and internationally. Daniel has co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications and is on the Editorial Board of multiple international gastroenterology journals (see list of Daniel’s publications and research at https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3662-6307
When not working, Daniel enjoys playing tennis, spending time with his wife and children, playing piano and watching European or AFL football.




Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

Endoscopy Lists

– Ringwood Private Hospital
– Mitcham Private Hospital
– Knox Private Hospital